Alcohol and Drug Rehab Centers in Lapeer, MI
Alcohol Information and Counseling Ctr Lapeer County Health Department
Alcohol Information and Counseling Ctr Lapeer County Health Department is a drug and alcohol rehab found at 1800 Imlay City Road in Lapeer, Michigan.
Concepts in Counseling LLC
Concepts in Counseling LLC is a drug and alcohol rehab found at 608 Fox Street in Lapeer, Michigan.
Lapeer County Community MH Center
Lapeer County Community MH Center is a drug and alcohol rehab found at 1570 Suncrest Drive in Lapeer, Michigan.
List Psychological Services PLC
List Psychological Services PLC is a drug and alcohol rehab found at 624 West Nepessing Street in Lapeer, Michigan.
Lapeer County CMHSP Touchstone ACTP
Lapeer County CMHSP Touchstone ACTP is a drug and alcohol rehab found at 1570 Suncrest Drive in Lapeer, Michigan.
McLaren Lapeer Region Behavioral Health Unit
McLaren Lapeer Region Behavioral Health Unit is a drug and alcohol rehab found at 1375 North Main Street in Lapeer, Michigan.
We can help you find the right treatment facility that best fits your overall needs and financial requirements.